Scientists Finally Uncover the Mystery: Here’s What Really Lies Inside the Moon

Eli Wallace

Scientists have finally lifted the veil on the mystery of the Moon’s core. A revolutionary discovery reveals a complex structure beneath the lunar surface, suggesting that the core could resemble that of the Earth. The study, led by Arthur Briaud from the CNRS, sheds light on a fluid outer core surrounding a solid inner core, thereby enhancing our understanding of lunar evolution and the associated volcanism.

The key points

  • Discovery of a hidden structure in the Moon’s core.
  • The core exhibits characteristics similar to that of the Earth.
  • Study conducted by Arthur Briaud from CNRS and published in Nature.
  • Results illuminate lunar geological evolution and volcanism.

Scientists solve the mystery of the Moon’s core

A significant advance has been made in understanding the internal structure of our natural satellite, the Moon. Thanks to recent research, scientists have finally unraveled key elements regarding the lunar core, revealing information that will change our perception of this celestial body.

Discovery of a hidden structure beneath the lunar surface

The work published in the journal Nature indicates that a significant structure lies beneath the lunar surface. The study was conducted by Arthur Briaud, a researcher at the CNRs, who led a team analyzing data obtained from various lunar missions.

The core may resemble that of the Earth

Scientists suggest that the lunar core may share characteristics more similar to those of the Earth’s core. This challenges established theories about the formation and evolution of the Moon, opening a new avenue for future research.

Challenges in determining a planetary body’s internal composition

Although determining the internal composition of a planetary body is generally complex, seismic data collected during the Apollo missions provided a basis, although their resolution was not precise enough to draw definitive conclusions.

Liquid vs. solid core models confronted with new data

Researchers confronted different models regarding the nature of the core, oscillating between a liquid core and a solid core, with the new data obtained. This confrontation has allowed for a better definition of the Moon’s internal structure.

Analysis of lunar deformations under Earth’s gravity

A crucial part of the study involves analyzing the deformations that the Moon undergoes due to Earth’s gravity. These deformations have provided insights into the composition and state of its core.

Identification of a structure: fluid outer core surrounding a solid inner core

A major discovery has been the identification of a complex structure characterized by a fluid outer core surrounding a solid inner core. The latter has a radius of 258 km and a density very close to that of iron, reinforcing the idea of a geological composition similar to that of the Earth.

Strengthening the idea of a geological process: mantle overturning

These results support the hypothesis of an important geological process, such as mantle overturning, providing valuable clues about the evolution of the Moon and the volcanic phenomena that may have occurred there.

Indications of lunar evolution and volcanism

The discoveries provide crucial insights into the evolution of the Moon, notably regarding its ancient magnetic field, which, according to research, was stronger in the past and began to decline about 3.2 billion years ago.

Understanding internal composition, key to grasping the disappearance of the magnetic field

Understanding the Moon’s internal composition represents an essential tool for elucidating the reasons behind the disappearance of its magnetic field, a phenomenon that has had major implications for the lunar environment.

Results align with a previous NASA study in 2011

The recent results align with those from an earlier study conducted by NASA in 2011, further validating the discoveries and their significance for future lunar research.

Discovery resolves an ancient debate and illuminates the Moon’s geological history

This discovery resolves an ancient debate over the nature of the lunar core and significantly enlightens the geological history of the Moon, posing new questions about its formation and evolution. Thus, scientists continue to unveil the mysteries surrounding our celestial neighbor, enriching our understanding of the universe.

About the author
Eli Wallace is a seasoned tech writer and gaming enthusiast. With a background in computer engineering, he offers insightful, informed commentary on hardware innovations, cutting-edge technology trends, and the latest in video game news and developments.
Hardavenue » Blog » Scientists Finally Uncover the Mystery: Here’s What Really Lies Inside the Moon